New Call for Chapters - 2025
Technology and Unsustainable Sustainability
Edited by David Crowther & Shahla Seifi
Much has been written about the benefits of new technologies and in particular blockchain and AI together with applications such as cryptocurrency, bitcoin etc, and the way in which they benefit the planet - or some members thereof. But researchers simply extol the benefits without any consideration of the negative aspects and forthcoming problems. For example all these technologies use extremely large amounts of energy - comparable to the power usage of small nations. Such power needs to be produced and clearly has an effect upon the climate as well as upon those parts of humanity which are not benefitting from the use of these technologies. in fact, if we consider the long term such power requirements are clearly not sustainable. The effects upon climate and the environment are never fully recognised.
In this book therefore we seek to present a balanced picture of the uses of these technologies by clearly linking the problems with the benefits. In doing so the long-term future needs to be considered. We therefore invite contributions from all who have a perspective upon the future problem rather than just focusing on the benefits.
Contributions are invited from all concerned with this subject. It is expected that contributions will be 8000-12000 words in length. As quality is essential then all contributions will be reviewed prior to acceptance. Theoretical or speculative contributions are welcome along with empirical contributions.
Please send abstracts or expressions of interest to the editors at by the end of March 2025. Full papers will be required by September 2025 with publication of the volume expected early in 2026.