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Aims and Objectives

The Social Responsibility Research Network (SRRNet) is a body of scholars who are concerned with the Social Contract between all stakeholders in global society and consequently with the socially responsible behaviour of organisations.



The mission of the SRRNet is to promote collaborative, cross-cultural and international research on any aspect of its social responsibility agenda, to disseminate such research globally and to improve knowledge. 



The strategy to accomplish the mission is:

a) The exchange of research through of its website;

b) The promotion and organisation of a series of international research conferences, in various parts of the world and under the leadership of a named individual;

c) The production and dissemination of an academic journal;

d) The production of such other publications as are deemed appropriate and for which sufficient funds exist;

e) The promotion and organisation of a series of international working travels to produce special projects. 



Membership is free and open to anyone. It is a formally constituted organisation governed by a constitution and managed by an elected / nominated board. The management of the network will be delegated to this board, which will be supplemented by a general meeting, open to all members, which will take place at each conference organised.


In order to join then just send  a message to giving 4 pieces of information:



Country of abode

Contact email address


and you will be enrolled.



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