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The Technology of Climate Change Prevention


Eds: Shahla Seifi & David Crowther



It has recently been estimated that the 1.5O limit of temperature increase to prevent climate change will be met next year. It seems apparent therefore that serious action is needed all around the world to at least mitigate the effects which we are experiencing. It is generally accepted that technological developments will enable us to cope with the problems of climate change, either by alleviating it or by negating its worst effects. The question therefore arises as to whether this technology yet exists or is still in development or even what new technology do we need to create to assist us in this endeavour.


This is something which we wish to explore in this volume. Moreover we want to consider the best use of the technology which we do have and to share best practice. Moreover we need to address the question of whether geopolitics is an impediment to our efforts and, if so, what we need to do. After all climate change and its effects does not respect geographical or political boundaries and effects can be felt well way from the source. There is much which we need to do to address climate change and this book is intended to be a contribution to the common good.


We look forward therefore to receiving your contributions. Contributions are invited from anyone who has a perspective on any aspect of this topic or any proposal for managing this new environment. It is expected that contributions will be 8000 – 12000 words in length. As quality is essential then all contributions will be reviewed prior to acceptance. Theoretical or speculative contributions are welcome along with empirical contributions.


Please send abstracts or expressions of interest to the editors by the end of August 2023. 


All communications to the editors:


David Crowther & Shahla Seifi –

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