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Equity and Sustainability
Eds: David Crowther & Shahla Seifi


It is generally accepted that the three pillars of sustainability – economic, environmental and social – are crucial and must be addressed if we are to achieve sustainability in the future. Although it is generally recognised that these three must be treated equally it is much less apparent that this is actualised. Most commonly everyone is concerned with just one pillar. Presumably this is because most actions which benefit one pillar can have a detrimental effect on at least one of the others. The dealing with these conflicts is the most difficult aspect of sustainability which needs to be addressed if we are to make satisfactory progress.


Of equal importance but rarely considered is the aspect of equity. Although often confused with equality the matter of equity is one of the cornerstones of sustainability. As we progress towards sustainability it becomes ever more apparent that equity is missing – economically, environmentally and socially. So we witness a constant stream of migrants, we witness severe weather in some areas and clearly there is economic inequity. It is our argument that without equity there can be no sustainability as instead what will be seen is conflict. This can already be seen in various aspects and must be dealt with.


 This is something which we wish to explore in this volume. Moreover we want to consider the best ways which are possible and to share best practice. Moreover we need to address the question of whether geopolitics is an impediment to our efforts and, if so, what we need to do. After all climate change and its effects does not respect geographical or political boundaries and effects can be felt well way from the source. There is much which we need to do to address climate change and this book is intended to be a contribution to the common good.


We look forward therefore to receiving your contributions. Contributions are invited from anyone who has a perspective on any aspect of this topic or any proposal for managing this new environment. It is expected that contributions will be 8000 – 12000 words in length. As quality is essential then all contributions will be reviewed prior to acceptance. Theoretical or speculative contributions are welcome along with empirical contributions.


Please send abstracts or expressions of interest to the editors by the end of August 2023. 


All communications to the editors:


David Crowther & Shahla Seifi –

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