Call for contributions
Environmental Management and Sustainability
David Crowther
Shahla Seifi
We have all seen the effect of human action on the environment, ranging from climate change to plastic pollution to mining to animal and plant species being threatened. We have also seen in Europe efforts at rewilding in an attempt to mitigate human actions. We have all seen land threatened by sea level rising and by extending desertification. And we have probably all heard of Net Zero as an attempt at reducing the effects of our actions. Clearly we have a symbiotic relationship with the environment and what we do to the environment will affect out sustainability into the future.
There have been many efforts around the world at mitigation – or at least partial mitigation – of the effects of human activity. We have all seen many suggestions of actions which can be taken. It is a large part of the ethos of SRRNet that best practice can be shared and transferred from one part of the world to another. In this book therefore our intention is to further this by bringing together knowledge from all around the world and the impacts which we could have upon both the environment and upon sustainability.
We look forward therefore to receiving your contributions. Contributions are invited from anyone who has a perspective on any aspect of this topic or any proposal for managing this new environment. It is expected that contributions will be 8000 – 12000 words in length. As quality is essential then all contributions will be reviewed prior to acceptance. Theoretical or speculative contributions are welcome along with empirical contributions.
Please send abstracts or expressions of interest to the editors by the end of March 2024. Full papers will be required by September 2024 with publication of the volume expected in 2025.
All communications to the editors:
David Crowther & Shahla Seifi –